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sábado, 21 de febrero de 2015

What is Project Ara.

Project Ara is a mission to make a modular smartphone. It would be the last phone you ever needed to buy, Because you’d be able to swap out everything from the camera to the display to the Processor and to the battery, in order to always have the exact phone you want.
In a line you can say that Project Ara is a modular smartphone concept which makes smartphone components replaceable with a new and a fresh component, Means you can upgrade your Cpu and camera if you want to upgrade it, You can also use two battery module’s instead of a battery and a camera module and the customizations are limitless. Project Ara was a Motorola’s project but now it is a Google’s project because Google sold Motorola to lenovo but Google still own’s the patents of Project Ara.

Why We Need Modular Smartphones.

Smartphone’s which is widely used electronic device in our world has More then a billion smartphone user are there so we can say that we generates a huge amount of electronic wastes by this, Because electronic devices are not designed for last longer so if a smartphone have replaceable components then we can throw only the dead or not working component and replace it with a new working component so that only not working component will generates electronic waste not the whole smartphone or device. This will be definitely helpful to cut Down our carbon footprint, This is Project Ara. Project Ara is not only a modular smartphone project but also it is a Eco friendly smartphone project as PhoneBlocks said.
Google says the phone is designed to be used by “six billion people” including One billion smartphone users.
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